The Indy 500 that Made Us Cry

It probably doesn't take a stretch of the imagination to figure out the sport…

Better Angels

The last three weeks have been an exercise in distance, for the last year my…

Curtis Grandson sports photographer Blair Bunting

Photographing on a TV Production

Some aspects of photography are easier to teach than others; photographing an…

Get Well Sig

While enjoying my morning read of the internet, I saw something that worried…

A Farewell to Mythbusters

It was the first shoot I ever went after. I made deals and fought hard to get…

Stella Luna

My life is worth nothing, if it is not lived to help others. All too often the…

SR-71 Blackbird

There was once a time when men flew a jet that tore the air apart, nearly…

Nikon D5

Everyone needs a flagship, and today we got ours... the Nikon D5

Stephen Curry

Last Saturday saw the end to the greatest beginning in NBA (and some have…


Certain parts of this industry never cease to amaze me, and today's article in…