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The Spacesuit
It was not on the flight, but rather the day before, as I was sitting in a pressure chamber testing my spacesuit one last time, that I realized how absolute my reliance on it would be. I was well…
Photographing the 2025 NBA Campaign
Some advertising photographers equate the degree of stress during a high-profile shoot as a metric of their skill as a photographer: If you're stressed, then perhaps you were unprepared or lacked…
Spring Training Photoshoots
Being a commercial photographer in Arizona, getting a call to photograph a baseball player at spring training is not a what-if but rather an inevitability. Truth be told, they are the photo shoots…
Photographing Cars with Jay Leno
Every so often, a photo shoot comes along, and in the middle of it, you find yourself taking a step back and mentally trying to reckon with the idea that you should be paying just to be there.…
Sandra Day O’Connor
Photographing Sandra Day O’Connor was unlike any other photo shoot I have ever done before or since. It began with a phone call from The New York Times, asking me to meet Justice O’Connor at her…
Photographing Football of the Future
Football, oh, football. It's a sport I thoroughly enjoy photographing, yet I could never imagine myself playing it. If you were with me on set, you would quickly discern, by the way I instinctively…