Saturday Sun

Yes, to all those that caught the reference, I did intend to title a post after a Nick Drake track. As for the relevance, well I just…

Leaving on a jet plane

My melancholy mind fights to control my retinas as they have now become transfixed on 5 unholy words that permeate my psyche, "Fasten Seat…

Just kickin’ it

Just finished photographing the ASU football campaign for the 2009 season, and yet again I have figured out a way to injure myself on…

One of the photographs that nearly ended me….

Not all photographs go as planned, especially when animals are involved.  Add a young photographer and an angry Rattlesnake to this…

It’s Friday, you deserve a good weekend

As I sit here writing this post, I am enjoying a 2004 Malbec accompanied by the music of James Newton Howard.  The door is open and the…

People still light things, right?

Let's face it, Photoshop combined with digital capture have done wonders to move the art we love into the 21st century. Providing cleaner…