Photoshoot at the Edge of Space : The Beginning

Part I: How it all began... I was sitting at the end of a long runway on a secluded military base, preparing for what would soon be the…

The Mercedes C1000

Some cars exist in myths and legends. They can be so rare that even a car enthusiast might only see them by the good graces of another. The…

A Lifestyle Photoshoot of Motorcycle Mechanics

There's something about the passion that exists between a mechanic and a motorcycle. Their hands and tools are their paintbrushes, and…

The Art Behind the Infrastructure

Sparks burst and dissipate in the darkness of an open space. The cacophony of metal combined with heat cracks the air in sharp staccato,…

Photographing Football Players

Photographing football campaigns in one of the most aggressive and intense types of commercial photography there is. While some…

Photographing Sports as Art

Much to the surprise of many, photographing athletes doesn’t always mean you are a sports photographer. Truthfully, I don’t know much about…