Photography Competitions: Worth It?

I was sitting in my dorm room at Arizona State University. To my left I had my…

Aaron Hernandez

UPDATE: The news today brought word that Aaron Hernandez has taken one last…

DSLR Camera Review

Finally, a proper camera review

There are camera reviews, and then there are camera reviews… today’s blog post…

W... for all times, W.

There was not a dry eye in the house last night, and I'm sure there were many…


I have tossed around writing this blog a lot over the last 24 hours. One part…


The life of an advertising photographer is one that involves travel, lots and…

Gitzo Ambassador

We all have to face reality, and I need to come clean about mine, I am a nerd.…

EAS: How we did it (Day 2)

As it was left on Tuesday, I had undertaken a monster EAS shoot that had more…

EAS Advertising Campaign

The life of an advertising photographer is on par with the metaphorical…