Spring Training Photographer

Spring Training Photoshoots

Being a commercial photographer in Arizona, getting a call to photograph a…

Fitness Advertising Campaign

A Brighter Fitness Campaign

We have seen it all too often. The gym photoshoot where the athletes are…

Phoenix Commercial Photographer

Football vs. Art

For someone separate from the intensity of the battle on the field, void of a…

Basketball Advertising Campaign

Mixed Resolutions

With the college basketball season nearing an end, I figured I would post the…

Aaron Hernandez

UPDATE: The news today brought word that Aaron Hernandez has taken one last…

Photographing Down Memory Lane

Recently Nikon gave me a couple of brushes and a clean canvas. By brushes I…

Le Mans: A Shoot that nearly Ended Me

Some photoshoots we love, and others we merely get by.....  this is one that I…

Aaron Hernandez

I have sat staring at the computer monitor for the last hour and words refused…