Unexpected GOLD

A photographer is to a creative director, as a camera is to a photographer. It…

Is the New Surface Pro for Photographers?

The soul of an image is not always visible in what the viewer sees, but lives…

A Shot across the Apple bow

My iPad Pro picked a bad day to start having battery life issues... These are…

Hasselblad Ambassador

Hasselblad Ambassador

It is a story that starts long ago in my life and an accomplishment that words…

W... for all times, W.

There was not a dry eye in the house last night, and I'm sure there were many…


The life of an advertising photographer is one that involves travel, lots and…

Gitzo Ambassador

We all have to face reality, and I need to come clean about mine, I am a nerd.…

EAS: How we did it (Day 2)

As it was left on Tuesday, I had undertaken a monster EAS shoot that had more…

EAS Advertising Campaign

The life of an advertising photographer is on par with the metaphorical…